Thursday, March 22, 2012

Probably the best midfielder in the world

Xavier Hernández Creus and (b. January 25, 1980, Terrassa, Catalonia, Spain), also known as Xavi is a Spanish footballer who plays as a midfielder at the club Barcelona and the Spanish national is selected. He won the 2008 European Football Championship, 2010 World Cup, La Liga with Barcelona 5 times and was nominated for the FIFA Golden Ball 2010, where his competitors were even his Barcelona teammates Lionel Messi and Andres Iniesta. (Source: wikipedia). Was told not to play Barcelona on Spain's national team and would not be the same without the guidance of Xavi. An outstanding personality in the game is almost all action Xavi and his team beat all records on the number of passes, accurate passes and number of passes away. It is said that when he was promoted to first team Guardioala knew immediately that Xavi will be next to Barcelona's midfield.Even I would have said Xavi: "I will be who will kick the team". Enjoy as Xavi is in activity. Unfortunately, he reached 31 years and is approaching the end of his career.

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